This movie can manipulate people's mind. The memory of Auschwitz visit is all over again. Three hours went by so smooth. Burt Lancaster, you got me again. Spencer Tracy, Richard Widmark. I wish I could age like Marlene Dietrich.
Step 1:计划报废(planed outlets)+有序制造不满情绪(the organized creation of dissatisfaction)e.g.通用汽车. Step 2: 资助知识分子创办智库(think tank )穿越洪荒录通过他们来影响大众与此同时城市化带来陌生化影视剧成为消费主义宣传利器;信用卡促进超前消费;CAD使得不同外形设计的产品成为可能e.g.苹果手机. 【女神之私人玩物玩具酱】Step 3:植入恐惧(激发本能/潜意识)并提供解决措施.Step 3:开启儿童市场故事性+授权制(licensing);成年消费者儿童化欲望趋同;游戏化+及时满足(信用卡)